Saturday, August 15, 2020
While Prevention as a Prescription (PaaP) has become the operative word in healthcare environs, there is also a trend afoot to address the 'whole-self' as an integral part of safety programming as respects the workers compensation arena.
Makes perfect sense. The notion that a healthy employee...
Wednesday, July 15, 2020
In the realm of risk management, what you don't know can... hurt you...damage your reputation...put you out of business...destroy your future...and so on. You get the picture.
In the business world, however, there is little excuse for 'not knowing,' given the abundance of data available from...
Monday, June 15, 2020
Fleet Risks are always a challenge. Many factors must be evaluated in order to arrive at a comfortable risk tolerance quotient (RTQ) for the exposure. The larger the fleet, the more creative one can become in risk financing, however.
With 500+ units and varying degrees of usage, rate...
Friday, May 15, 2020
Yes! The horses are already out so closing the barn door won't prevent the occurrence...
Such is the case for those who fail to plan for fortuitous events in the business world which may ultimately influence, not only their day-to-day operations, but their very survival.
Saturday, February 15, 2020
Unless you've been out of touch, it should come as no surprise that the digital ledger has begun to make its way into the realm of insurance and risk management.
Much like the internet was decades ago, this disruption will cause pain and pleasure and while its...
Wednesday, January 15, 2020
Few remember the tragic MGM Grand fire of 1980. Aside from the 85 lives lost, the disaster brought forth some creative risk financing techniques.
Additional liability insurance was actually purchased AFTER the loss as risk financing sources speculated on the total settlements sought.
Sophisticated sources provide such opportunities today...
Sunday, December 15, 2019
In risk management, we are often called upon to forecast the future which - of course - we cannot do.
That said, our task is to empower the decision makers to assess the 'possibilities' that the future may hold.
This requires unbiased vision and...
Friday, November 15, 2019
This statement sets the tone for our enterprise inasmuch as it is our mission to direct out clients into a planning protocol which, if not alleviate altogether, will mitigate significantly, the impact of fortuitous events on the financial stability an the organization. We aim to 'close the barn door...
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
With apologies to Oliver Perry, this phrase is appropriate in today's culture when risk management metrics inform decisions which are made contrary thereof...
While there is always an intuitive piece to decision making late-adopters of the advance in data analytics remain skeptical as to the findings fueled...